A Father's Instructions For Life
It is said that it is the responsibility of parents
not to pave the road for their children
but to provide a road map
Every once in a while life hands you a moment
so precious
so overwhelming
that you almost glow
Here are a few words of council to give to your children
and one day maybe they might be able to
add to these and pass them down to their own kids
Compliment three people each day
Watch a sunrise at least twice a year
Look people in the eye
Say "thank you" a lot
Say "please" a lot
Live beneath your means
Buy whatever kids are selling
on card tables in their front yards
Treat everyone you meet as
you want to be treated
Donate two pints of blood a year
Make new friends
but cherish the old ones
Keep secrets
Don't waste time learning the
"tricks of the trade"
Instead, learn the trade
Admit your mistakes
Be brave Even if you are not
pretend to be
No one can tell the difference
Choose a charity in your community and support
it generously with your time and money
Read the Bill Of Rights
Use credit cards only for convince
never for credit
Never cheat
Learn to listen
Opportunity sometimes knocks softly
Never deprive someone of hope
it might be all that they have
Pray not for things
but for wisdom and courage
Never take action when you're angry
Have good posture
Enter a room with purpose and confidence
Don't discuss business in elevators
you never know who might overhear you
Never pay for work
before it is completed
Be willing to lose a battle
in order to win the war
Don't gossip
Beware of the person who
has nothing to loose